Well I guess it’s time to explain some of my vocabulary. When I first started chatting back in the late 90’s when AOL chat was so hot, I found Excite chat, aka Virtual Places or VP chat, I was totally thrilled at the chance to meet and talk to so many people from all around the world! And there was no voice chat at that time so you kinda had to just wonder what people sounded like. Well I had figured out this way to type like I talk. Basically giving phonetics a chance to show through in my text, so if you are reading through my blogs and find words you don’t quite get, just sound it out it’s not all that hard to do.
For example, if you hear me say the word your, it sounds more like yer and then forget often comes out ferget. See very simple right? I thought so too cause well I am after all just a simple holler gal. And believe it or not I actually got an A in college English courses. I just prefer to type it so it at least sounds like something I would say.
Now where this was all actually brought to my attention was when voice chat began. My online friends were all using it and just die’n to hear me talk. I had friends from all over the world and half dozen different states in the USA too. Being from Ohio they were all totally shocked the first time they heard me talk, even had one call me on the phone just to double check I really did talk that way lol. You see even though I was born and raised in a so called “yankee” state, I sound like I should have grown up on a plantation down south somewhere. I don’t know why I have such a heavy southern accent, it’s just one of those things that happened. The rest of the family isn’t like mine, granted they have a country twang, but not that southern drawl.
So when I’m type’n and explain’n things yea I type just like I talk. Don’t think I’m some backwoods redneck that doesn’t know what the dictionary or spell check is for, because trust me I may be almost a redneck, but I can carry on a conversation with even the snooty folks around town. I’m not here to teach grammer (and yea I do know its spelled grammar), just here to be myself so like it or leave it, it’s that simple. I hope ya like it and find some humor along the way cause that’s all its intended for. To entertain and let people get to know me a little bit more.
So with that being said, I hope y’all keep come’n back and pull ya up a seat sit back and enjoy and drop me a line from time to time. Face it even Miriam-Webster now lists the word “ain’t” in it so who knows some of my werds might make it there too one day!
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